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法医 科学 B.A.

Through hands-on learning and extensive laboratory training, this integrated learning major prepares you to use advanced techniques in demanding forensic science careers.
A student analyzes evidence for the presence of 生物 fluids using an alternate light source.


  • Be part of Syracuse’s 法医 and National Security 科学s Institute, home to undergraduate forensic science majors and also to interdisciplinary research projects in collaboration with public and private forensic science organizations.
  • Take courses taught by practicing forensic science professionals who understand the latest techniques being used in both forensic science and national security sciences.
  • 享受由15至30名学生组成的小班教学, 哪一个允许个性化教学, 实用, 实践经验和基于讨论的学习.
  • 选择灵活, interdisciplinary pathways with coursework in fields like chemistry, 生物学, 心理学与国家安全.
  • Add a required second major, so you’ll have a strong foundation in a related field. (For students interested in a forensic laboratory career, 化学, 生物学 or biochemistry second major is strongly recommended.)
  • Connect with your peers by joining Syracuse’s 本科生法医学学生协会, 或者生活在科学中, 技术和数学生活学习社区.
  • Take laboratory science courses if you're interested in field-based forensic careers like crime scene investigation, 法医生物学, 法医化学或潜在的指纹.
  • Want to continue your education as a graduate student at Syracuse? 应用 to one of the five master's 学位 tracks in the 法医 and National Security Studies Institute's graduate program.











90 %

法医M.S. graduates are employed in an area related to their field of study.

and the Onondaga County Center for 法医科学s are where students have recently interned.


文理学院(A&是雪城大学的第一个也是最大的学院. 作为文科的发源地, our internationally recognized programs provide the cornerstone of a 澳门线上赌场 education with 50+ majors in the natural sciences and mathematics, the humanities and the social sciences (in partnership with the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs).


A strength of the forensic science integrated learning major is that it must be paired with a base major that aligns with your interests and career goals. 例如, if you’re interested in working in a forensic science laboratory, 你还应该主修生物或化学. If you’re interested in criminal justice or national security, consider psychology or anthropology. A professional advisor and faculty mentor will help with major selection early in your four-year plan.

In addition to the coursework required for their second major, forensic science students take two broad-based courses in forensic science, 一门统计学课程, one course that connects their two majors and three advanced electives in forensic science and/or related areas. 还需要一个顶点课程.

  • Explain the scientific foundational principles of forensic science and how they relate to the area of major.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between forensic science and the legal system.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use a rationale-based approach in problem-solving and/or to evaluate and analyze forensic practices as related to the reliability, 法医学的准确性与局限性.
  • 以道德标准为导向, 完整性, professionalism and quality assurance protocols and standards in the field of forensic science.
  • Contact an expert and use their feedback to design and conduct a research project.
  • 有效沟通科学原理, research questions and project investigation with objectivity and transparency to stakeholders, 包括科学家和非科学家.

A second major is required for all students majoring in forensic science and determines whether a student will graduate with a B.A. 或B.S. 学位. 例如,一个追求B的学生.A. in anthropology alongside their forensic science coursework will graduate with a B.A.,而追求B的学生.S. in 生物学 alongside their forensic science coursework will graduate with a B.S. B.A. 和B.S. 法医学的要求是一样的.

  • 法医化学分析
  • 犯罪现场调查
  • 枪械和印痕证据
  • 法医精神卫生
  • 潜在的打印




Our courses provide students with hands-on exposure to tools and techniques used in different areas of forensic science. 在潜印处理等课程中, 犯罪现场调查, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and 法医 Analysis of Biological Evidence, students can learn 实用 skills in evidence collection and analysis.



Any student at Syracuse with an interest in forensic science can join the 本科生法医学学生协会. Members participate in social events and also benefit from academic support, professional development opportunities and community engagement activities related to forensics.



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